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Bella’s Story with Ana @blossoming.bella

A girl called ana came to me, told me that she could help me. I remember when I started losing weight. The thrill i’d get when I saw the numbers on the scale go down. The recognition ana would give me, the praises. I thought I was happy. I thought I was content with where I had gotten to. But one day it wasn’t enough, not for ana. I couldn’t maintain. I had to lose. I HAD to lose. Nothing was ever good enough for her. She wasn’t happy until I was hospitalised, close from being taken away from everyone I loved. Now I have discovered a new thill. Being alive. Living like a normal 15 year old. Attending school. Going out with friends. Going shopping for a new wardrobe with clothes that actually fit me. And just having freedom, freedom from that girl ana who convinced me that she had my best interests at heart, all she really wanted was me dead. Recovery will be the hardest thing that you have to do in your life, but really, when ana is in control you don’t have a life. Recovery has been the worst but best thing I’ve ever done in my life. 6 months ago I didn’t imagine that I’d ever get to this point, I’m now the happiest I’ve been in years and I am determined to never go back

@blossoming.bella on instagram

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