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"I don't know, what I should do.", "I can not live like this anymore.", "How did you manage to start recovery?", "Have you got any tips for me?". I get many messages every week and every day from people who don't know how to continue because their eating disorders are to strong. Those people ask me, if I have any tips or advices for them because they do not see a reason why they should recover. And they do not know how to start fighting against their voices. And here is my answer: "I'm sorry, I can't help you, because if you DON'T WANT to let your eating disorder go, NOTHING CAN AND WILL CHANGE! If you don't want to get healthy and gain weight, nothing will work. YOU are the only one, who can help you. It is your body and every day you've the decision if you want to change something or not. If you don't want, nobody can help you. You can stay in your comfort zone for the rest of your life, but is this the life you really want to live? Change something!

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