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My Eating Disorder Agreement @no.retreat_no.surrender

This is my eating disorder agreement that I read out loud at my graduation from Monte Nido on July 30th, 2019. I hereby agree from this day forward to live my life to the fullest.

This journey of recovery has certainly not been easy but on day 151 and every day, I have been able to find a reason to keep fighting. I promise to keep fighting every day for as long as I may live. Life is worth living and I am enough just the way I am. Over the years of my life, I have constantly strived for perfection knowing it simply does not exist.

I promise now to know and remember that I am enough just the way I am. I strive to do my best every day and that's all I can expect from myself.

I promise to respect, love, and accept my body, mind, and soul rather than neglect and abuse them.

I believe that God puts everyone on this earth with a purpose and a plan.

I am blessed and grateful to be put on this earth as me.

Over this journey, I have asked why I've had to hit rock bottom at this time and this way in my life.

I have accepted that I may never be able to answer why besides believing that God always has a plan.

Although this journey has had its ups and downs it has taught me more about myself, my life, my purpose more than I could ever imagine.

I have discovered how strong, brave, courageous, kind, loving, intelligent, creative, motivated, driven, thoughtful, and joyful I am.

Joy has been a meaningful word I have learned and an emotion I had rediscovered throughout this journey.

I am grateful for all the people I have met and all those that have supported me along the way.

I promise to keep believing in myself, to live in the rainbow and focus on the journey rather than the destination.

To myself, I am so proud and I promise to keep giving myself credit where it’s due rather than ignoring it and only seeking and believing others' opinions and validations.

It is time to live again.

It is time to embrace my mind, body, and soul.

It is time to bring what is within out into the world.

As my favorite bible verse, Luke 1:37 states "For nothing will be impossible with God".

In honor of my mantra "No Retreat. No Surrender".

No Retreat. No Surrender. JR

@no.retreat_no.surrender on instagram

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