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Recovery may seem like the harder option,

It may feel incredibly painful,

It may be exhausting,

It might make you feel even worse,

It might provoke anxiety,

But many times things get harder before they get better.

Its going to be a long road,

Its going to be full of ups and downs because recovery isn't linear,

Recovery doesn't have to be perfect,

Life isn't perfect,

So just because you have a bad day, week or month,

Don't just think that there isn't any point in fighting.

When your brain is wired to believe that food is the enemy, it will take time for it to accept the reality that food is ok,

Unhealthy food is ok,

Eating more food than others is ok,

Because everybody has different needs.

Its easy to have a bad day and to say

I'll relapse,

I'll give up,

I'll give into these thoughts and behaviours,

But the bravest thing to do is say,

I'll notice these feelings,

I'll notice these behaviours,

And I will do the exact opposite of what my eating disorder is screaming at me to do.

There is more to life than a number on a scale,

And what we eat.

Food isn't just for fuel,

Food is for making memories,

And enjoying life.

So yes,

Its tough,

Recovery isn't easy,

But it will all be worth it in the end,

However long that may take.

@recovering_myra on instagram

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