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When i was little, my parents told me that they would love me, no matter what i looked like. And so they did, but other people didn’t. I was always the ”fat kid”, the one who was wearing big clothes, the one who never succeeded in sports. When i was twelve, i decided to make a change. I started to exercise, and eat healthy. In half a year i had dropped over 14kg. Then i was ”beautiful”, and people accepted me.

Soon that all turned around. I was obsessed with exercising and eating healthy, and soon it ran out of control. When i was thirteen, i started to purge. From there, my life was controlled by my ed.

My ed bubble lasted for over three years, untill i had my second heart attack. I was so scared for my life, so i decided to tell my parents what was going on. It took me so much courage and will power to be honest, but i still think that it was the best decision i ever did. It saved my life. This illness has taken 4 years of my life, and still effects my daily life. I am not fully recovered yet, i still have so much healing to do. But i am much more happier this way, now three months purge-free, and several hospital trips after. Please, if you’re reading this and you’re suffering from any kind of eating disorder, get help. Friends, family, doctor or a therapist, get any help that you can get, before it’s too late. It almost was in my case, i am so lucky for the care and support that i have gotten, thrue my recovery. Be strong, be yourself. on instagram

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